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Dr. Derrick Fox, assistant professor of music education/choral, will be presenting his session entitled: “50 Shades of Grading: Implementing Assessment in the Choral Classroom” at the 2015 American Choral Directors Association National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. Fox’s presentation will offer a myriad of assessment strategies that allow for individual student feedback, aide in the learning of musical repertoire and strengthen student musicianship.

The American Choral Directors National Conference offers a comprehensive educational and performance experience for choral music professionals to enhance their skills in the areas of rehearsal techniques, literature, pedagogy, and technology. The American Choral Directors Association is the professional association for choral directors.

ACDA offers choral educational events that include instructor-led hands-on workshops, masterclasses, and in-depth lectures from ACDA's top choral educators and performers. Composers, publishers, conductors, educators, administrators, and students are all gathered at this unique professional conference. The national ACDA conference includes thirty sessions that focus on best practices and each offers insight from professionals who are national leaders in the choral profession.






Derrick Fox to present a session at the 2015 American Choral Directors Association National Convention | 0 Comments |
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