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The School of Humanities and Sciences and the Department of Writing are pleased to present award-winning nonfiction writer Janisse Ray as the first Distinguished Visiting Writer of the semester. She will read from her latest book, The Seed Underground: A Growing Revolution to Save Food at 7:30pm on Thursday, February 19 in Klingenstein Lounge in Campus Center.

The reading is free and open to the public. A question-and-answer period and a book-signing will follow. Books will be on sale and refreshments will be served.

Janisse Ray is the author of five books of literary nonfiction and a collection of nature poetry. Her first book, Ecology of a Cracker Childhood, which interweaves family history, memoir, and natural history, won the American Book Award in 2000. Her most recent book is The Seed Underground: A Growing Revolution to Save Food. She holds an MFA from the University of Montana and has been a visiting professor and scholar at a number of universities, most recently at the University of Montana as the William Kittredge Distinguished Visiting Writer. She lives in Georgia.

About The Seed Underground, Bill McKibben has said, “If I get to feeling a little blue about our prospects, I’m liable to reach down one of Janisse Ray’s books just so I can hear her calm, wise, strong voice. This one’s my new favorite; a world with her in it is going to do the right thing, I think.” Watch the book trailer here.

For more information or to request special accommodations, contact Eleanor Henderson at 607-274-3324 or We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. Visit the event page here.


Naturalist, Environmental Advocate, and Nonfiction Writer Janisse Ray Reads Thursday | 0 Comments |
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