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Please help us (and your fellow students) - by participating in the IC Student Health Survey! The data we collect will be used to help us improve health and wellness programs and services for students!

Beginning Feb 23rd, the Center for Health Promotion invited a random sample of approximately 3000 IC undergraduates by email to complete the IC Student Health Survey. The survey is confidential, and contains all multiple-choice questions regarding students' health habits and concerns. 


Students who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing which will be held on Monday, March 16th. 25 students will be chosen to win a $15 ID Express card. This card can be used at many retail locations on campus, including Sub Connection, the Campus Store, and Sandella's.

Questions about the survey can be directed to Nancy Reynolds, Program Director, Center for Health Promotion, Center for Counseling, Health, and Wellness at or 607-274-7933. 

IT'S NOT TOO LATE! Complete the IC Student Health Survey and win a chance at a $15 ID Express Card! Check your Inbox for the e-invitation. | 0 Comments |
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