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OSCAR in your office?

Contributed by Mark Darling on 02/13/15 

REMP would like to offer you a new option to share unwanted but, still usable and useful, supplies from your office with other departments on campus. Project OSCAR Box.


 Create an OSCAR box in your office or department by downloading and printing this cool label. Obtain a box, preferably a paper box with a lid or a box of similar size, stick the label on it and start putting in those surplus items that may be cluttering up your space. When you are ready for the box to go away, email  and one of the REMP Eco-Reps will pick it up and take it to the OSCAR room in Philips Hall. We also will take your electronic waste for recycling as long as it fits in the box.


OSCAR is the  Office  Supply  Collection And Reuse  is a project of the Resource and Environmental Management Program (REMP) to collect and redistribute reusable office supplies among Ithaca College offices, departments and student organizations. REMP is a program with the Office of Energy Management And Sustainability.


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