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As previously posted to Intercom on 2/13, parking lot closures that began this past Tuesday will be continuing through Saturday, February 21 as the A&E Center at Ithaca College serves as host to the Big East Conference Swimming and Diving Championships.  

The specific parking areas which will be reserved for the event and therefore unavailable to staff, faculty, and students will be as follows:

Thursday, February 19: All sections of M-Lot and the S-Lot Extension

Friday, February 20: All sections of M-Lot and the S-Lot Extension

Saturday, February 21: The South section of M-Lot

If you are unfamiliar with which lots are referenced above, please visit the online campus parking map at  Individuals with the applicable permit seeking handicapped parking spaces in these lots will continue to have full access to those spaces, and will be permitted lot entry upon request to the lot attendant.  

We recognize that this is a significant disruption to the typical parking plans of many members of the IC community. Your cooperation and support in this exciting opportunity for the College to host a significant NCAA athletic competition is greatly appreciated.

M-Lot and S-Lot Extension Parking Closures Continuing 2/19-2/21 | 0 Comments |
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