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Marie Sanford, Clinical Associate professor in the Dept. of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, and Class of 2015 graduate students Alexandra Fish, Erin Gatti, Maria Sanchez-Freeman, and Dana Sharabi presented their work at the 18th Annual Conference of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences.

Their paper, entitled “Comparing Instructional Approaches for Attaining Oral Proficiency in Adult English Language Learners,” examined articulation, rate of speech, and intonation features of instructional materials that incorporated functional and work-related vocabulary compared to academic and curriculum-based vocabulary.

Sanford also presented a poster session co-authored with Ithaca College's Jana Waller and

du/tcaswell/">Tina Caswell describing “ICreate” (Ithaca College Ready to Explore All Transition Experiences) a social communication support group designed to address the needs of adolescents with (Autism Spectrum Disorder) ASD as they transition from high school to college and/or the workforce. This poster was titled “Bridging Transition Plans thorough Social Communication Support Groups.”



Marie Sanford and IC students present at 18th Annual Conference of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences | 0 Comments |
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