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 IC Game Developer's Club is hosting a talk with game designers Kevin Zuhn and John Murphy, who produced the hit indie game Octodad! Yes, the one with the impossible controls. You don't want to miss this!


Who: The IC Game Developer's Club will be hosting Kevin Zuhn and John Murphy, who are game designers for the group Young Horses. Check out their website here!

What: Meet some of the game designers who helped produce the hit indie game Octodad! A Q&A session will follow afterward where you can ask about the design of this game.

When: February 24th, at 7:00 pm. The talk will run for about an hour. Please try to be on time or arrive before 7:00 pm; it's much more professional that way. We also plan to start right at 7 too, so don't miss out!

Where: Williams Hall, room 309.


Come join the fun!


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nathan Prestopnik at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Like Octodad? Meet the designers of Octodad! | 0 Comments |
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