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 Alumnus Dr. Michael Meador ‘78, NASA, Director National Nanotechnology Coordination Office, National Science and Technology Council will be our guest speaker on Tuesday, March 3rd at 4:00 p.m. in CNS 333.

The title of the presentation is: The National Nanotechnology Initiative at 15 – Big Plans for Small Stuff.  


 On January 20, 2000, in a landmark speech at the California Institute of Technology, President Bill Clinton announced the establishment of a new national initiative in nanotechnology R&D.  Since then, participating agencies in the National Nanotechnology Initiative have invested over $20B in the funding of world-leading nanotechnology research, the establishment of unique user facilities for nanoscale fabrication and characterization, the transfer of nanotechnology innovations from the laboratory to market, and the responsible development of nanotechnology.  This seminar will discuss progress against the challenges that President Clinton issued in his speech and present a picture of future directions for nanotechnology research in themical Society.  

Chemistry Department welcomes Alumnus Dr. Michael Meador '78 | 0 Comments |
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