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Farewell to Kim Anderson

Contributed by Melissa Gattine on 02/26/15 

Please join me in congratulating Kim Anderson on her new position as Assistant Director for Web Communications at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia. Her last day at Ithaca College will be March 11.

Kim began her time at Ithaca serving as the marketing communications manager for OES. While there, she helped reshape numerous campaigns and programs including a revision of the OES website. She later moved to the School of Humanities and Sciences, taking on duties for the largest of our five schools. Kim formed a great relationship with members of the H&S Dean’s Office, and together they worked on projects such as Open House programming and unified collateral, enhanced promotional materials with the Department of Theatre, strategic plan and materials for our graduate education programs, and the current Textor/CNS display project.

We wish her success with her new endeavors.

Farewell to Kim Anderson | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Farewell to Kim Anderson Comment from nmalone1 on 03/04/15
Good Luck, Kim! We will miss you!