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Come hang out with some awesome women of faith who desire to learn more about freedom, healing, and rest!  

Today Fri. Feb. 27 @ 7pm to Tomorrow Sat. Feb. 28 @ 4:30pm in the IC Muller Chapel 

​Here's the Facebook event:

 This is an on-campus women's retreat that's open to all women in Ithaca! It'll be a time and place for women to experience and learn about the freedom, healing and rest that God has for us while growing in their relationship with Him and with women of different denominations and ages. The retreat will be a space for people to reflect, share, and grow. The weekend will include great conversations, fun games, times of worship, and speaker sessions. Because this is an on-campus retreat, feel free to come for the times that you're available for or even just have a sleepover with us in the chapel Friday night!

Friday dessert as well as Saturday breakfast and lunch are included, and the retreat is free to anyone that isn't an active member of a Christian community at IC. It will be $3 for members of the PC and CC. 

***The retreat will begin in the Business School Friday 7-8pm on the 2nd floor area with couches to hang out, eat snacks & dessert, and play games. Then we'll be heading to the Muller Chapel at 8pm for the rest of the retreat weekend. The schedule of activities is posted on the Facebook event and for more info or any questions please contact Grace Schroeder at 

This event is sponsored by the Ithaca College Protestant Community (PC) and Catholic Community (CC), and is open to all Ithaca women.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Grace Schroeder at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

It Is Finished: Women Transformed by God through Freedom, Healing, & Rest | 0 Comments |
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