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Caribbean Culture Month

Contributed by Natalie Garcia on 02/26/15 

Planned Events !!

- Caribbean Alumni Pannel

- Carnival 

- CSA Banquet 

Please support, and in advance we are thankful for any donations.

The month of March is the period in which CSA celebrates the Caribbean culture and tries to educate the greater Ithaca College community about Caribbean life and culture. This year we have several events planned that we would like to share with our fellow students here at Ithaca College and our neighbors that surround us at other colleges.  Unfortunately we were unexpectedly informed through Student Government Association (SGA), a student org funding committee, that they are no longer accepting funding requests due to insufficient funds, which was given without prior notice. This has affected our upcoming events for culture month greatly and caused us to be in dire need for funding. It is crucial that we celebrate our culture month for it will help in creating a diverse atmosphere on campus and deconstructing preconceived notions about of people of color. We are reaching out to you to see if you may be able to help in our effort to make sure that Caribbean culture month occurs. Any donation will be greatly appreciated.


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