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Mary Ann Rishel, Professor Emeritus, Writing, has published a book review in the International Society for Humor Studies News, Winter, 2015, of the following: Toplyn, Joe. (2014). Comedy Writing for Late-Night TV. New York: Twenty Lane Media.  Joe Toplyn is the head writer for David Letterman, and staff writer for Jimmy Fallon and Conan O'Brien.  He is also an award-winning writer for the comedy-detective television series, Monk. 


Mary Ann Rishel, Professor Emeritus, Writing, has published a book review in the International Society for Humor Studies News, Winter, 2015, of the following: Toplyn, Joe. (2014). Comedy Writing for Late-Night TV. New York: Twenty Lane Media.  Joe Toplyn is the head writer for David Letterman, and staff writer for Jimmy Fallon and Conan O'Brien.  He is also an award-winning writer for the comedy-detective television series, Monk.  

Mary Ann Rishel, Professor Emeritus, Writing | 0 Comments |
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