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Strategic Sourcing Initiative

Contributed by Dean Casterline on 03/11/15 

What is Strategic Sourcing and what does it mean to IC?


Greetings from the Office of Finance and Administration.  My name is Dean Casterline and I am the recently-hired Director of Procurement.  I’ve been at Ithaca College for three months and I want to thank everyone who has welcomed me and the new Strategic Sourcing organization with enthusiasm and an open-mind.  This is an exciting time to be at IC and I’m looking forward to the many Strategic Sourcing opportunities and initiatives ahead. 

Strategic Sourcing

What is Strategic Sourcing?  I define Strategic Sourcing as the analysis of an organization’s past, present, and future expenditures and the identification of opportunities to improve purchasing practices whereby lowering overall costs to the institution through;

  • leveraging buying power by focusing volume on specific categories/commodities to strategic supplier partners where those opportunities exist
  • improving inbound & outbound deliveries and logistics
  • lowering the college’s risk through favorable terms and conditions

What does Strategic Sourcing mean to IC?  On the heels of President Rochon’s All College Meeting from March 5th, it is clear from his presentation that the formation of a Strategic Sourcing organization (---the strategies arising therefrom) is a key initiative for IC intended to provide a foundation by which the college’s purchasing processes will assist in shaping the future financial outlook of the institution.  Strategic Sourcing will be the backbone that gives structure to purchasing activities of any type or size.  The goal is to help direct the college’s spending in ways that produce cost savings advantages in order to continue to serve the students and families of Ithaca College and to achieve the overarching goal of providing an environment of educational excellence now and into the future. 

IC Marketplace

A very important Strategic Sourcing initiative that is well underway is the college’s adoption of a new e-Procurement application named, “IC Marketplace”.  IC Marketplace will provide our users with a powerful tool for browsing catalogs and initiating purchases and will offer our current and future suppliers the ability to work collaboratively with our users electronically and efficiently.  IC Marketplace is scheduled for Pilot implementation with a controlled group of users and suppliers beginning in April with a full roll-out of the tool in June.

Next Steps

You’ll be hearing more about IC’s goals for the Strategic Sourcing organization in the coming weeks and months.  We will provide periodic updates via Intercom as well as forthcoming updates to the Procurement website and will include information regarding new sourcing initiatives.

In Closing

Affordability is a fundamental tenet of higher education.  To be affordable for our current and future students, it’s imperative that our institution makes conscientious purchasing decisions.  The responsibility to make smart procurement choices falls on everyone at IC and it’s our obligation to create a sustainably affordable environment for our students and for the future of Ithaca College.

The college’s transition from decentralized purchasing to a centralized Strategic Sourcing procurement model is the result of numerous committee findings and consultant recommendations.  I am honored to have been selected to lead this transformation and I’m committed to doing so with objectivity and integrity. 

I will continue my outreach to the campus community over the next several months.  I welcome anyone who is interested in hearing more about how the Strategic Sourcing organization can work with your respective schools/ departments/organizations/etc. to reach-out to me via e-mail or phone: or x45826.

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