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M.C. Sullivan, M.J. Ward, Araceli Gutierrez-Llorente, Eli R. Adler, H. Joress, A. Woll, J. D. Brock, “Complex oxide growth using simultaneous in situ RHEED and x-ray reflectivity: When is one layer complete?”, Applied Physics Letters 106, 031604-1 to 031604-4, (2015).

This work was conducted at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source, where Matthew C. Sullivan spent his sabbatical and where Eli Adler worked as an intern during Summer 2014.  This work studies the physics of thin-film growth, a field vital to the fabrication of modern electronic devices.

The study compared two thin-film growth characterization tools, x-ray reflectivity and Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED).

Recent publication by Eli Adler '16 and Physics professor Matthew C. Sullivan | 0 Comments |
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