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 THURSDAY, 3/19 6:30 Textor 101 - TEACH-IN about the part-time labor crisis in today's economy and higher-education. 

Will you have a job? At IC, one in three faculty face this question every semester. Nationally, over half of higher-ed courses are taught by "adjuncts."  PT@IC (part-time faculty) are presenting workshop on activism, organizing, and the challenges of getting work - and getting by - in today's economy. Join us for a discussion of the "real world" and progressive solutions for tomorrow's problems. Sponsored by I.C. Progressives.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Brody Burroughs at or (607) 342-0108. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Getting to Work: Take ACTION with part-time faculty | 0 Comments |
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