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Assistant Professor, Lisa Barnard, from the Department of Strategic Communication published an article in the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. The article is "Eliciting Behavior From Interactive Narratives: Isolating the Role of Agency in Connecting With and Modeling Characters" and it focuses on using using interactive narratives online.

Congratulations Lisa!



Dillman Carpentier, F., Rogers, R., & Barnard, L. (2015). Eliciting behavior from interactive narratives: Isolating the role of agency in connecting with and modeling characters. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 59(1): 76-93. doi: 10.1080/08838151.2014.998222

Abstract: A key component differentiating interactive storytelling from storytelling in non-interactive media is agency, or control over character choices. A series of experiments show that providing agency over a character increased the user-character connection, which then increased engagement in a character-consistent charitable act. Findings were observed in technologically simple online narratives that controlled for navigation/controller differences, graphics, sounds, lengthy play, and avatar customization. Effects emerged even though users did not practice these acts by making their character behave charitably. Findings were robust across happy and unfortunate endings and across first-, second-, and third-person narrative perspectives. Findings suggest promise for developing inexpensive ‘‘storygames’’ to encourage supportive behaviors.

 Full Article:



Assistant Professor, Lisa Barnard, Publishes in The Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media | 1 Comments |
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Assistant Professor, Lisa Barnard, Publishes in The Journal of Broadcasting& Electronic Media Comment from shamula on 03/20/15
Very proud of our newest Strategic Communication Department
faculty member! Congrats, Lisa.