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Dodgeball Tournament!!

Contributed by Alexandra Tracy on 03/18/15 

 The Student Physical Therapy Club is hosting a Dodgeball Tournament this Sunday (March 22nd). All proceeds go to the Franziska Racker Center to help children with special needs. 

 The dodgeball tournament will be held in the Fitness Center on Sunday starting at 1:30pm. Teams MUST be co-ed (1 girl and 1 guy playing at all times), teams consist of 5 players.

There will be music and food and winners wil receive a t-shirt.

$20 per team ($4 per person) if you sign up by Friday. Day of sign ups cost $25 per team.

If you wish to participate please hand in your money and list of team members into the PT Club table located in Campus center from 11-2 on Friday. 

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