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Bryan M. Roberts, associate dean in the Roy H. Park School of Communications, has been selected to participate in the U.S. Army War College National Security Seminar.  The National Security Seminar is a one-week event that creates an environment for Army War College students and distinguished guests to examine current national security issues and exchange candid dialogue. NSS takes place during the first full week of June, immediately preceding graduation, and serves as a capstone event that enhances student learning through exposure to a cross section of American perspectives.

NSS provides a forum for distinguished speakers to discuss their views on issues of importance to the nation's security and welfare with students, International Fellows, and faculty of the Army War College as well as new members from across the country.

The event will introduce NSS guests to some of the future leaders of the American armed forces and government and, in turn, permits the students to better understand the society they serve.

"I am truly honored to have the opportunity to discuss big ideas with the future leaders of our armed forces," said Roberts. "My research on political attitude formation will hopefully add to the dialogue but, to be honest, I value the opportunity to learn from these graduate students, many of whom are now applying theory to their experiences in combat."

Approximately 160 new members join student seminar groups during the NSS. They come from a cross-section of American life and represent as broad a range of occupations, geographic regions, and age groups as possible.

The U.S. Army War College was established in 1901 "not to promote war, but to preserve peace," in the words of Elihu Root, then Secretary of War. As the Army's senior service college, it prepares senior military officers to serve in the highest command and staff positions in the Armed Forces. For more information regarding visit

Associate Dean Roberts to be Distinguished Guest for U.S. Army War College National Security Seminar | 3 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Associate Dean Roberts to be Distinguished Guest for U.S. Army War CollegeNational Security Seminar Comment from ymulugetta on 03/20/15
This is such an opportunity and recognition of your great work.
Congratulations, Bryan!
Associate Dean Roberts to be Distinguished Guest for U.S. Army War CollegeNational Security Seminar Comment from ymulugetta on 03/20/15
This is such an opportunity and recognition of your great work.
Congratulations, Bryan! Yuko`````
Associate Dean Roberts to be Distinguished Guest for U.S. Army War CollegeNational Security Seminar Comment from shamula on 03/20/15
Big congrats! Wonderful accomplishment to be asked and
opportunity to serve.