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 Awarded in 2013, Dr. Scriber received the Sayers "Bud" Miller Distinguished Educator Award from the National Athletic Trainers' Association's Executive Committee for Education to honor and recognize his myriad contributions and accomplishments in AT education and professional development. As part of that honor, Professor Scriber was invited to present a keynote address along with the 2014 winner of the same award at the recent 2015 Athletic Training Educators' Conference, held every other year and most recently in Dallas, TX, and this year over the last weekend of February. Dr. Scriber thanked his past and present colleagues and students for their role in his career path and success, and highlighted 3 specific moments in his career that impacted how he worked, and what he felt was important for his work, and thus for the profession of athletic training.

Dr. Kent Scriber Gives Distinguished Educator Keynote Presentation | 1 Comments |
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Dr. Kent Scriber Gives Distinguished Educator Keynote Presentation Comment from psubramaniam on 03/23/15
Congratulations, Kent!