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James Mick, assistant professor of music education, traveled to Athens, Georgia this past month to guest conduct the Georgia 11th/12th Grade All-State String Orchestra. Students from across Georgia auditioned in the fall semester to participate in the festival, which was hosted by the Georgia Music Educators Association. Selection into an all-state ensemble is a distinct honor and represents the best players from Georgia. Rehearsals were held at the University of Georgia for three days with the culminating performance occurring on Saturday, February 28, 2015. Repertoire included works by Vaughan Williams, Stamitz, and Nordgren.

Over spring break, Mick traveled to the United Kingdom as an invited clinician with the orchestra program at The American School of London. The ASL orchestra program is under the direction of Lorraine Davis (IC alumna, ’98) and is comprised of five orchestras serving 5th through 12th grade students. During his visit, Mick rehearsed several of the orchestras while also providing specialized instruction to the program double bassists in masterclass settings.

Mick specializes in string music education and teaches a wide array of music education courses spanning from Introduction to Music Education and Current Topics in Music Education to Contemporary Ensembles in Public Schools and Orchestra Rehearsal Techniques. He is a frequent guest conductor of various honor ensembles across the United States and abroad. In addition to his guest conducting, Mick also serves as the Music Director of the Ithaca Community Orchestra and as the president-elect of the New York American Strings Teachers Association.

James Mick (Music Education) conducts Georgia All-State Orchestra & clinics at The American School of London | 0 Comments |
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