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Leslie Lewis, who has served as dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences and professor of English since 2008, has accepted the position of provost and vice president for academic affairs at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. She will begin at Goucher on July 1.

“It has been my privilege to have such incredible colleagues among the faculty and staff at Ithaca College,” said Lewis. “The School of Humanities and Sciences is so intellectually vibrant—a liberal arts and sciences model, in many ways, for other comprehensive colleges. I am happy that we have been able to do so much together.”

You can read the announcement from Goucher College on her appointment here.

Linda Petrosino, interim provost and vice president for educational affairs, praised Lewis for the leadership and strong advocacy she has provided for the School of H&S.

“In particular, she takes pride in and recognizes the skills and dedication of the faculty, and has fostered a student-centered learning environment within the school,” said Petrosino. “Leslie has been a primary developer of the Integrative Core Curriculum, which is the result of her commitment to and expertise in integrative learning and liberal arts education. This is a great next step for Leslie to use her innovation and leadership abilities, and I wish her great success in her next chapter of academic challenges at Goucher.”

Provost Petrosino will make an interim appointment in the next few weeks in anticipation of a national search to be conducted in the fall.

H&S Dean Leslie Lewis Accepts Provost Position at Goucher College | 3 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
H&S Dean Leslie Lewis Accepts Provost Position at Goucher College Comment from mforrest on 03/24/15
Congratulations, Leslie! I know that you will be missed, but what a great new chapter in your life! Wishing you all the best! ~ Maureen
H&S Dean Leslie Lewis Accepts Provost Position at Goucher College Comment from ymulugetta on 03/25/15
Congratulations, Leslie. Goucher is very fortunate to have you as Provost. I am going to miss you. Best wishes!
- Yuko
H&S Dean Leslie Lewis Accepts Provost Position at Goucher College Comment from pwilliams on 03/25/15
Congratulations Leslie. Sounds like a great opportunity.
Your appointment as Dean of H and S was one of the last decisions I made as IC
President. So glad that you came to IC. thanks for your good work and
leadership. I am sorry that we never had the opportunity to work together.

All the best.