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Does your student organization deserve an OSEMA Recognition Award?

The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs is proud to host the 2015 OSEMA Recognition Ceremony on April 27, to honor those student organizations and individuals who have gone above and beyond their contribution to co-curricular life at Ithaca College, their growth in leadership roles, and their creative involvement on campus.

Join us for a night of celebration where we’ll be giving out various awards such as:

- Student Organization Program of the Year
- Outstanding Executive Board Member of the Year
- Adviser of the Year
- Outstanding Service Organization Award

Check out the full list of awards and scholarships here.

If you are interested in nominating an individual or applying for any of these awards, please be sure to fill out the nomination form here. The due date to apply is March 29, 2015.

For more information or questions, please contact Theresa Radley at

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