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IC Hillel invites all members of the community, young and old, students and staff, Jewish and non-Jewish to attend our First Night Passover Seder on Friday, April 3rd at 8 pm in Terrace Dining Hall.


Many of you have seen our event on Facebook, and now it is the time to register for your spot. Please note, that space at each table is limited to 10-16 people, so make sure to register as soon as possible to reserve your place. 

If you do not have a meal plan, Hillel at Ithaca College is proud to host you for a Seder, just email us to reserve a meal pass for the night.

Have a look at various Seders, and pick the one that you like:

  1. Maris Krauss Interfaith Seder: "What Plagues You" English
  2. Ilana Diamant Women's Seder Hebrew and English
  3. Elliott Bonus Parody Seder English and Hebrew
  4. Rachel Brenner Discussion: Plagues and Miracles English
  5. Josh Khalou and Hayden Sahl The "State" of Israel Discussion English
  6. Kayla Reisman Inclusivity Seder: "Overcoming Stigmas and Stereotypes" Hebrew and English
  7. Sarah Krieger Reform Seder with focus on Human Rights English and Hebrew
  8. Ilana Wolf Chocolate Seder English

Please REGISTER HERE to reserve your spot at the Hillel Passover Seder 2015!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kayla Reisman at or (607) 274-3323. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Passover Seder- Friday, April 3rd at 8 pm | 0 Comments |
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