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 The Ithacan has been named a Gold Medalist for the 2013–14 academic year in the Columbia Scholastic Press Association’s annual college newspaper critique.

Among the judge’s comments, “Congratulations on publishing an outstanding print and digital newspaper and your Gold Medalist and All Columbian honors. You entertain, inform, practice enterprise journalism and serve as a student forum, all in an exceptional manner.”

Each year the CSPA evaluates member papers on overall content, news, depth reporting, features, opinion/editorial, sports, arts/entertainment, editing/headline writing, and design/graphics based on more than 150 specific criteria. This year the paper scored 963 on the critique’s 1,000-point scale. The CSPA consistently ranks The Ithacan as a Gold Medalist, its highest category. All Columbian Honors are given within a scorebook section when the sectional total reaches 95% or more of the possible points.

Ithacan Ranked Gold Medalist in Annual CSPA Newspaper Critique | 1 Comments |
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Ithacan Ranked Gold Medalist in Annual CSPA Newspaper Critique Comment from cmichael on 03/25/15
Proud of all our Ithacan reporters, editors and