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The perfect SLI sessions for you!

Contributed by Ashley Ahl on 03/23/15 

 The Student Leadership Institute offers sessions in four tracks; Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading at IC and Leading in a Diverse World. Sessions in the Leading at IC track are perfect for those who are members of student organizations here at IC!

Leading at IC prepares students to lead within student organizations by creating workshops that provide useful information and resources as well as help students develop leadership skills. Below are some of the Leading at IC sessions being offered this block. Sign up now! 


3/31 Transition Panel

 4/7 E-Board Blues


Please remember to sign up at least 48 hours in advance. If you can no longer attend a session please click ‘no’ to un-RSVP or email in order to open up your spot to another student. Thank you!

The perfect SLI sessions for you! | 0 Comments |
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