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Two evenings of hosted interviews via Skype led by Visiting Professor Scott Mello discussing career paths, current projects, and a question and answer period for students. We hope this will be a great opportunity for students to learn about non-traditional career paths to professional singing. 

The artists to be interviewed will include Cameron Beauchamp of the GRAMMY Award Winning “Roomful of Teeth,” Alice Teyssier of International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE), Metropolitan Opera soprano Alyson Cambridge, GRAMMY Award Winning singer Rhiannon Giddens, of the Carolina Chocolate Drops, and Hallmark Senior Writer and Voiceover Artist Cat Skorupski.

Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:15 in Presser!  

See you there!” 



Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Rebecca Saltzman at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

“Voiceovers, Ensemble Singing, Indie Rockers, OH MY!- An Exploration of Diverse Career Paths into Professional Singing” | 0 Comments |
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