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Anyone can apply if you meet the minimum qualifications below! Send a well-crafted resume, cover letter, and the names of two references to Yolanda Clarke at by Monday, April 6, 2015 at 5pm!  

*Serve as an Emerging Scholars Program Academic Coach/Liaison to Men of Color Groups on Campus 

Provide content based tutoring for high needs courses in specific disciplines * Recruit first and second year IC men to ESP - maintain connections * Network with student organizations to seek out academic talent and motivational support for students during peak periods * Collect information and form networks of study groups during exams, midterms, and finals for key courses * Supervise evening study groups * Support ESP Program Development, Planning, and Facilitation * Support Tutoring Services/ESP Programming including cosponsored events * Be able to commit 5 hours per week beginning Fall 2015; and more during peak periods * Be available for mandatory training events.

Minimum Qualifications:

In good academic and judicial standing * Junior or Senior Standing as of Fall 2015

Preferred Qualifications:

3.0 or above cumulative gpa (or submit convincing statement for exception) * Experience working in an office environment * General understanding of diversity on campus and the academic issues of men of color * Campus leadership experience * Demonstrated ability to work independently.


Hiring 2015-2016 Emerging Scholars Program Coach for Men of Color Academic Success | 0 Comments |
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