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Several weeks ago Conger was interviewed by Liz Covart for Ben Franklin's World: A Podcast About Early American History.  The episode recently went live and is available for download at


According to Covart,It is a show for people who love history and for those who want to know more about the historical people and events that have impacted and shaped our present-day world.  I chose the title ‘Ben Franklin’s World’ because nearly everyone knows who Ben Franklin was and when he lived. I also chose Franklin because his worldly life and legacy allow me to discuss early American history in its broadest sense.  ”

Of course, most people do not know the women in his life and their legacy in American history.  In her podcast episode, Conger discusses her current research on the two important women that Benjamin Franklin had standing behind him, standing beside him, and more importantly standing as the public face of the Franklin family during his lengthy absences from Philadelphia:  his wife, Deborah Read Franklin, and his daughter, Sally Franklin Bache.

Vivian Bruce Conger, History, Interviewed for Podcast on her current research. | 0 Comments |
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