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My Antigua, An Island Revealed, edited and designed by Professor Janice Levy, was recently published.

The 300-page book consists of photographs, poetry, and prose by thirteen “at risk” students who participated in a two-week intensive photographic workshop Levy taught in January 2014 at GATE (Government Assisted Technology Endevour). Four months later, Levy returned to Antigua with writing instructor and publisher Robert Colley of Standing Stone Books, who inspired the students to write pieces related to their life and work.

The book is now available on and at the distributor, Small Books Press. 

Levy will travel to Antigua in May 2015 as part of the official book launch. An exhibition of student photographs will accompany the release.

Janice Levy releases new book, My Antigua | 1 Comments |
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Janice Levy releases new book, My Antigua Comment from jwatson2 on 03/25/15
How exciting, Janice! I just ordered your book and can't wait to see it!
Jen Watson