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Confused about how much food you should be eating? Registered Dietitian, Natalie Nicholas will be joining us from Longview to answer some of your portion distortion questions. Portion sizes have changed a lot in the last 20 years.  “Small fries” are replaced by “medium fries”, small lattes are now “tall” or “grande”. You can purchase 64 ounces of soda all at once.  While more food on the plate may seem great, portion sizes matter when it comes to our health and fitness.

Stop by the Portion Distortion table at Terraces Dining Hall and we’ll provide some answers! And, while you’re there, play the portion distortion game for a chance to win a Fitbit Flex!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Rebecca Sexton at or (607) 274-7352. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Do You Suffer from Portion Distortion? Join us! Tues., Mar 31st/Terrace DH/5pm-7pm | 0 Comments |
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