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The School of H&S prelaw program and the Ithaca College Alumni Association are pleased to offer two events featuring two attorneys and a judge, all of whom are graduates of the School of H&S. Each evening will include a panel discussion and a complimentary buffet dinner.

Thursday, April 9, 2015
7:00–8:30 p.m.
Clark Lounge, Egbert Hall (Campus Center)
Attorney and IC trustee Michael Battle '77 and Judge Mary J. Boyle '86 will discuss the practice of criminal law from the perspectives of the bar and the bench, as well as their educations and career trajectories.

Thursday, April 16, 2015
7:00–8:30 p.m.
Wolfgruber VIP Room, Athletics and Events Center
A prominent alumnus who works in a corporate legal department will share his experiences and opinions related to private versus in-house legal practice, as well as his education and career path.

Space may be limited for each event. To get priority seating, RSVP to Professor Michael Whelan, H&S prelaw advisor, at

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Professor Whelan at or (607) 274-3542. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

About Michael Battle
Michael Battle is a partner at Schlam, Stone, and Dolan in New York City and a member of the Ithaca College Board of Trustees. Battle joined the firm as a partner in 2010, and his practice focuses on commercial and civil litigation, white-collar criminal matters, and appeals. Battle earned his law degree from SUNY Buffalo Law School in 1981 and his bachelor's from Ithaca College in 1977.

Before his tenure with Schlam, Stone, and Dolan, Battle was a partner at the Washington, D.C., office of Fulbright and Jaworski LLP; served as director of the Executive Office for United States Attorneys; was appointed by former president George W. Bush to be the United States Attorney for the Western District of New York; and served for six years as a judge.

About Mary J. Boyle
Mary J. Boyle is a judge on the Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals. She was first elected to this bench in 2006 and was reelected in 2012. Boyle earned her bachelor's from Ithaca College in 1986 and later received her law degree from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.

Prior to joining the appellate court, Boyle served 10 years as a judge in the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court, General Division. There, she was instrumental in the creation of a mental health court, on which she also served as chair, designated judge, and a member of its advisory board. Before being elected to the bench, Boyle enjoyed an active civil practice with the law firm of Zashin and Rich LPA, where she litigated cases in numerous courts in Ohio, including domestic relations, probate, juvenile, general division, municipal, and federal.

IC Prelaw to Host Alumni Panel Discussions April 9 and 16 | 0 Comments |
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