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The second candidate for the School of Business Dean is Dr. Pat Dickson; he currently serves as  Associate Dean of the undergraduate program in the School of Business at Wake Forest University and earned his Ph.D. in Management from the University of Alabama.

Dr. Dickson will be on campus April 2-3 and will give an open presentation on Thursday April 2 from 12:10-1:00 in the Park Center for Business Room 111.  All members of the community are encouraged to attend to hear his thoughts on the future of business education and to ask questions.

His c.v. is available on the following site (it requires an IC username and password)

Those who attend the presentation are also asked to complete an online feedback form:


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Gwen Benners at or (607) 274-3895. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Second candidate for School of Business Dean, Dr. Pat Dickson on campus April 2-3 | 0 Comments |
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