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Understand the specific financial challenges facing the LGBT community, both financial and legislative and find potential solutions to address them. Also learn how to develop an estate plan — wills, trusts, power of attorney and healthcare directives.

Equally Prepared: Financial Planning for the LGBT Community (Live Webinar)
Presented by TIAA-CREF on April 14 at 3pm

Reserve your place in this webinar at today!

Also check out the Equally Prepared: Financial Planning for the LGBT Community Workshop Guide by clicking here

Financial Month Workshop #3: Equally Prepared - Financial Planning for the LGBT Community | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Financial Month Workshop #3: Equally Prepared - Financial Planning for theLGBT Community Comment from lmaurer on 04/11/15
This link provided to use to sign up takes one to a page that says "The page you are looking for has been moved, renamed, or is no longer available." Would it be possible for this to be updated with correct link necessary to sign up for this opportunity? Thanks.