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“Encountering the International: reflections from conversations within and beyond the U.S."
A presentation by Paulo Chamon, visiting research scholar (in Politics) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio).

Tuesday, April 7, 6-8pm, BUS 104.

Abstract: "When we think about things international we summon images of maps with well defined lines.  And, we imagine encounters with clearly differentiated parties. Such encounters across so-called international lines end up being limited in scope, politically inert, and potentially dangerous. Through a mix of short autobiographical stories and theoretical reflections, I interrogate what kind of "international" allows more complex encounters in our daily lives, and how this can influence the way we locate ourselves in the world."

Brazilian scholar -- Paulo Chamon -- to speak on "Encountering the International" | 0 Comments |
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