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Jan Elich Monroe, Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, participated in the HAMK Wellbeing Week, Feb. 16-20 in Hameenlinna, Finland. 

Monroe presented a 10.5 hour workshop, The BREATH Pathway: Enhancing Functional Skills and Coping Strategies for Individuals with Disabilities. Students who participated in her workshop were from Finland, Scotland, and the Netherlands.

In addition to her presentation, Monroe participated in Finnish Cultural Activities and networked with students and faculty from from the Netherlands, Finland, Estonia, the UK, Scotland, and Lithuania. 

Jan Elich Monroe participates in HAMK Wellbeing Week in Finland | 1 Comments |
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Jan Elich Monroe participates in HAMK Wellbeing Week in Finland Comment from sdurnfor on 04/06/15
Congratulations Jan! That's terrific.