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Join us on the evening of Wednesday, April 8th for the Third Annual Tompkins County Intergenerational Prom! FREE and OPEN to all students and older adults in the community! Bring a friend, volunteer, or just come to dance the night away.

  • FREE EVENT with music, dance, food & your fanciest outfit!
  • Mary Kay will be there along with photographers from HiFashion Studios!
  • Receive volunteer hours for your class, club, or sorority/fraternity!

The Ithaca College chapter of Project Generations will be hosting its annual Tompkins County Intergenerational Prom for the 3rd consecutive year! The event has been attended by over 200 students and 125 older adults from the community in the past two years. 

This year the club is excited to bring you "A Night in Paris," held in Emerson Suites with a picturesque scene of Parisian city lights, monuments, and a classy atmosphere. 

FEATURING a special performance by the Ageless Jazz Band, playing instrumentals from "classic swing to Latin jazz!" Check them out here:

To RSVP or inquire about volunteering, please e-mail:

The Project Generations Prom is Two Days Away! | 0 Comments |
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