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All submitted portfolio applications have been reviewed and three finalists have been chosen to present their portfolios on the evening of April 13th.

Hannah Andrick
Julianna Kittredge
Carin Pracht

Monday, April 13, 2015 at 7:00pm - 8:00pm in Textor Hall, Room 102

Please join us as these three finalist present their portfolios demonstrating what they have learned and the connections they have made among different elements of their Ithaca College education. Faculty judges will evaluate each presentation to determine the $3,000 first place winner. Light reception to follow.

Everyone from the Ithaca College community is welcome to attend. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation should contact or call 607-274-3113  as soon as possible.

The Linden Award is open to Ithaca College seniors. Students seeking information about the Linden Award for Learning Portfolio Excellence, including complete application requirements, evaluation criteria, and contact resources, for next year should visit the Linden Award website (

All awards will be presented at the senior donor luncheon during Commencement weekend.

This award has been made possible by the generosity of Jay and Judith Linden.



Linden Award for Learning Portfolio Excellence Finalist Presentations | 0 Comments |
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