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Lately, IC Counseling & Psychological Services hs received questions about the availability of open appointments. This FAQ guide is intended to answer some of these questions: Q: How long does it take for a student to get an initial appointment? A: Initial appointments may be scheduled as soon as the next day, although availability of these appointments depends on the student’s schedule and the demand for appointments. We do our best to schedule initial appointments within 5-7 business days. We recommend scheduled appointments for non-crisis matters. These appointments are longer (approx. 45 minutes), more in-depth, and preserve crisis hours for students with urgent concerns. The first appointment at CAPS is focused on students’ presenting concerns and a comprehensive mental health assessment. CAPS goals for this appointment are to provide professional support and recommendations for next steps. Q: What if there is a mental health crisis? A: If there’s a crisis, any student with urgent needs can be seen the same day for Same Day Crisis Services (SDCS). SDCS are not counseling sessions, instead these brief (20 minute) appointments are designed for assessment of crisis, problem-solving, and recommendations. Any need for continued counseling can be scheduled for future appointments. SDCS is offered from 2:30 to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. Call CAPS for more information 274-3136. On weekends and after 5 PM, The Office of Public Safety is available to address life-threatening situations 24 hours a day. Q: What if a student would like longer-term or weekly counseling? A: Not all types of counseling problems are best dealt with in CAPS. For example, CAPS does not provide on-going weekly counseling, treatment for severe psychological disorders, or court-mandated treatment. Weekly therapy is best provided by off-campus resources, and CAPS helps students to find off-campus counseling in these cases. We work with local providers to find ones that have openings and that work with the student’s insurance. There are several resources in the community that lower fees for students who cannot afford counseling or that see students regardless of ability to pay. Students are also informed about the best ways to get transportation to off-campus appointments, including use of the Medi-Car Service available through the Health Center. Q: What if I want to come back for another CAPS appointment after my first evaluation at CAPS? A: Students who want ongoing counseling are given counseling options so that they can make an informed choice between an off-campus referral and more counseling at CAPS. For those who wish to keep meeting with CAPS counselors, the scheduling of that meeting varies based on the student’s availability and clinical demand. All students who want follow-up counseling are either given a scheduled appointment or informed if there is a wait for follow-up appointments. Students are also informed about the availability of crisis services if their situation becomes urgent.
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