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Enhancement to HomerConnect

Contributed by Brian Scholten on 04/07/15 

Five focus groups were conducted in February to gather feedback about ways in which the HomerConnect user experience could be improved. Seventeen faculty members/academic administrators and sixty nine students participated.

A list of the suggestions was compiled and it was determined to first implement those that could be made quickly and easily. Based on that feedback, the enhancements you will see beginning Thursday, April 9 include:

-        Presenting the home page in an easier to read format

-        Making the pages mobile-friendly

-        Fixing the “back” button functionality

-        Adding some highly used links to the home page to bring them to the forefront

-        Reformatting the menus to be more user friendly

-        Adding links on the main menu that will take you directly to the pages they reference

-        Clarifying some of the descriptions

There may be additional enhancements to come in the future. In the meantime, it is hoped that the enhancements listed above will improve your experience using HomerConnect now.

Thank you.

Brian D. Scholten


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