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Shaianne Osterreich, Associate Professor in Economics,  was invited to present at the New School for Social Research in New York during a workshop entitled After Global Feminization: Industrial Change and Gender Segregation.  This workshop brought together scholars investigating questions related to gender equality in labor market outcomes for workers in the global south.  Shaianne’s paper, "Gender, Decent Work, and Global Production Sharing in Indonesia”,  used the International Labour Organization’s definition of ‘decent work’ to investigate the differences in pay and types of contracts for women and men that work in manufacturing exports.  Significant sectoral gender segregation means that women’s export factory work is very different than men’s and often comes with significantly less pay, more temporary contracts, fewer safety provisions, and less access to health benefits.

Shaianne Osterreich, Associate Professor in Economics, presents paper at the New School for Social Research in New York | 0 Comments |
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