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Thank you again for coming together and ensuring IC Giving Day on February 26 was a huge success. We have finished some more in-depth analysis, and the results tell a story of how our community came together in one day, like never before, and encouraged more gifts and more spirited participation on and off campus than ever.

While there is a lot of information around the day, three points tell the story:

  • On IC Giving Day, 420 faculty and staff members made a gift to Ithaca College. According to benchmarking done with our web partner for the event, the rate of faculty and staff participation far exceeded that of other colleges and universities who have held similar events.
  • The enthusiasm of our faculty and staff -- through both their giving and their outreach on social media -- inspired more than 1,400 alumni to make a gift that day. Included in that group were more than 300 alumni who had never given to the college or whose philanthropy had ended long ago.
  • While the data is inspiring, this tweet from staff member Randi Millman-Brown showed how many of you were motivated to give for multiple reasons: "I gave as a parent of a senior at @IthacaMusic and a graduate of the @ICParkSchool but also as an IC staff member." (For more #ICGivingDay posts, see this Storify feature.)

The results on giving are a great indicator of what we can do together around philanthropy and engagement and foreshadow a new era of greater engagement and philanthropy. Thank you for helping to make IC Giving Day a success.

With gratitude,

How Our Community Came Together on IC Giving Day | 0 Comments |
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