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18th Annual James J. Whalen Academic Symposium Award WinnersContributed by MaryAnn Taylor on 04/13/15 The following is submitted on behalf of Yvonne Rogalski, Chair of the Whalen Academic Symposium Steering Committee: Congratulations to all the students and faculty sponsors who participated in the Symposium! The following is a list of those students who won awards at the Symposium. Recipients of this year's awards were selected through a two-step process. The first step was to submit an abstract for award in early March. The abstracts were separated into groups according to areas of research and discipline. Each abstract was judged by at least two judges and the judges determined the finalists from each group. The finalists where then scheduled to present at finalist sessions during the Whalen Symposium. Again, the finalists presentations were judged by at least two judges and the judges then determined the award winners. Congratulations to all of the winners on a job well done! Poster Presentations: Poster – School of Health Sciences and Human Performance (HSHP) Daniel Baskin, Tess Hamberg, Kendar Gandbhir, Ernesto Garcia, Meaghan Goodheart, Cole Teti Relationship between Exercise, Depression, and GPA in Active versus Non-active Ithaca College Students over a Ten-Year Span Poster – School of Humanities and Sciences (H&S) Alina Byrne, Kyrillos Farag, Ayesha Patel The Role of Stress and Alcohol on Social and Appetitive Behavior in Long Evans Males Oral Presentations: Martin Luther King Scholars Sierra Council To Be “Visibly Invisible”: A Look at Black Women, Sexual Histories and Silence School of Business Peter Knight Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Prices on Renewable Energy Investment Returns School of Communications Natasha Brower, Sarah Czwartacky, Elizabeth Lambert, Robert Haskell, Jared Wolf Culture Core: Microagressions in the Workplace School of Music Madeline Docimo The Hidden Problems of Music Advocacy, and Prospects of Unconditional Hospitality School of Humanities and Sciences (H&S) – Categories: #1 - Art History, English, Philosophy/Religion/Writing Logan Weaver Art Use, History: SAH Archipedia for New York State #2 - Sociology, Anthropology, Education, Communication Studies Alexandria Battaglia Processing Transformative Discussions: White Students’ Responses to Anti-Racist Work #3 – Physics, Biology, Chemistry Gregory Fobes Construction and Calibration of a Vector Flux-gate Magnetometer #4 –History, Economics, Politics Celia Foran “Disorderly Women”: Nuns in the French Revolution #5 – Computer Science, Environmental Studies Gregory Broslawski Validating the Science of Tracking: Applications of 3-D Scanning in the Field of Forensic Tracking School of Health Sciences and Human Performance (HSHP) #1 Physical Therapy/Psychology Mark Vorensky Interpersonal Communication Education in a Physical Therapy Clinical Setting: Influence on Student Patient Relationships #2 Exercise and Sport Sciences, Athletic Training, Health Promotion and Physical Education Tara Condon, Tyler Keith, Ayana Philips, Ernesto Garcia Influence of Dorsiflexion Range of Motion on Star Excursion Balance Test Reach Distances Visual, Media, and Performing Arts #1 The Unusual History behind Felix Mendelssohn’s Rare Concert Aria “infelice!/ Ah, ritorna, eta dell’oro” #2 Coffee in the Cloud Forest: Partnering with an Agricultural Collective in Intag, Ecuador, on a Documentary Film
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