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CNS 112 Refreshments served 
3:40 p.m. CNS 1st floor lobby.  


4:00           Holly Garbacz, Biology (Adviser, Andrew Smith) 
 Cryptic Carbohydrates: An Analysis of the Carbohydrates in
                      Defensive Glue Secreted by Arion subfuscus

 4:30       Katie Lee, Biology  (Adviser, Ian Woods)       
                   Analysis of Cart Peptide Expression and Function in Zebrafish

  5:00    Emily Powers, Biochemistry (Adviser, Jean Hardwick)
                   Characterization of the cardiac neural response to Neuropeptide-Y

When a student is accepted for honors, an honors committee is formed, consisting of the faculty sponsor (project director) and two other faculty members, one of whom must be from the Biology department. The student designs the honors project in consultation with the faculty sponsor and must write up a proposal describing this project.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Pierce at or (607) 274-3161. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Biology Honors Symposium: Thursday, April 23 | 0 Comments |
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