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The Ithaca College Latin American Studies program is hosting a two-day Latin American Studies conference, Friday, April 17th - Saturday, April 18th in the IC Campus Center.  MACLAS--the Mid-Atlantic Council on Latin American Studies--will bring 120 Latin Americanists to campus to celebrate this year's conference theme: “Altered States: Cross-disciplinary explorations of tradition and the emergent in Latin America.”

There will be a full two days of panels, covering various topics; view the program here to find our many local student and faculty presenters. 

Students and public welcome to the panels.

Hosted and sponsored by Latin American Studies minor, H&S Dean’s Office, & MACLAS

 Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Patricia Rodríguez We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Ithaca College Latin American Studies Program hosts MACLAS conference, April 17 - April 18 | 0 Comments |
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