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 Enjoy a picnic atmosphere right here on campus in the IC Square from 8-11pm! Come to After Dark's final event of the year! 

Escape IC for the day and make your way to the Big Apple, NYC, and enjoy a beautiful day/night in Central Park. Day time activities as well as night time festivities will be portrayed. Bright colors and an ambient scene will fill the pub. We want everyone to feel as if they are walking in the city, as well as escape to the scene of Central Park!

You won't want to miss out on this fun, relaxing, Spring event. Enjoy a buffet of FREE food and mingle with friends around the park! Munch on some sandwiches and cookies, and pretend like you are right there in NYC, minus the pigeons, of course. 

As always, IC After Dark events are free and open to all at IC! Come and stay for a while or stop by and say hi and see what's up! We love seeing you there :)

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Francesca Esce at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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