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Srijana Bajracharya, Professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, presented a paper at the 7th International Conference on Climate: Impacts and Reponses, in Vancouver, Canada on April 11.

This paper described institutional commitment and initiatives to reduce carbon emission by promoting sustainability positive activities among campus community in order to combat climate change. It highlighted a course that was designed to fit in a newly designed campus wide Integrative Core Curriculum (ICC) Themes, “The Quest for a Sustainable Future & Power and Justice” and Perspectives “Social Sciences and Natural Sciences.” This liberal arts course on holistic health focuses on the environmental sustainability approaches with multi-disciplinary perspectives in order to promote overall wellness and quality of life.

Srijana Bajracharya presented paper at the 7th International Conference on Climate: Impacts and Reponses, in Vancouver, Canada | 0 Comments |
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