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The submission deadline for this year's Michael Clark Essay Contest has been extended to Wednesday, April 22.  The contest awards a prize of $200 to an outstanding undergraduate essay on Renaissance literature.

 Guidelines for Submission:

--Participants must currently be enrolled as undergraduates at Ithaca College
--One submission per participant
--Essays must address some aspect of Renaissance literature
--The essay must have been written at some point in the most recent three semesters (spring and fall 2014, spring 2015)
--There is no maximum or minimum page count; the essays will be evaluated simply on the ways in which they sustain thoughtful analytical arguments

Submissions Packets:

--Two paper copies of the essay
--Short cover letter

The final deadline for submissions will be Wednesday, April 22, and packets should be dropped off in 309 Muller.

If you have any questions, please contact the chair of the English Dept., Dan Breen (; 607-274-1014; 302 Muller Center).

Michael Clark Essay Contest--Deadline Extended!! | 0 Comments |
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