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Come join a Weight Watchers Leader and your co-workers at our Weight Watchers Open House. Learn how you can lose weight without sacrificing the foods you love and change your relationship with food.

Plus, when you join Weight Watchers during an Open House event, you can receive a Free Starter Kit full of tools to help you get started.

Included in the Starter Kit:

  • ·Cookbook
  •  Spring into Action Guide and coupons
  •  Portion Plates

Come join us at our Open House

Date:  Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Time: 12:30pm (12:15pm weigh in & registration)
Location: Peggy Ryan Williams Building, Room GL054
Contact: Samarra Mbenga,


Western-style coddled eggs (pictured in green flyer)
What to eat now cookbook (included in kit)
page 118

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Christine Haase at or (607) 274-1378. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Weight Watchers At Work – OPEN HOUSE – May 5, 2015! | 0 Comments |
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