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Student Volunteers for Special Olympics continues to spread awarnessContributed by Theresa Johnson on 04/18/15
Student Volunteers for Special Olympics is a student organization made up of students volunteering their time to help individuals with a wide range of disabilities participate in competitive sports within the Ithaca Community to improve their quality of life. Aside from attending as many practices as possible, members are also responsible for hosting annual events including a Halloween party for athletes and their families and a fundraiser where Flame the Band performs in Emerson Suites. Flame the Band is a rock band made up of members with various disabilities. This year, the event was held on Tuesday, April 7th in Emerson Suites with a turnout of around 90 community members. This resulted in a large donation for the Special Olympics of Ithaca to ensure that athletes who are disabled can participate in sports within the area.
For more information on this student organization and other student organization read the next issue of Club Hub.
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