sections | The long-awaited pedestrian corridor study for NYS Route 96B (Danby Road, Aurora Street) in the Town of Ithaca is about to get underway. The study is being coordinated by the Town of Ithaca with funding assistance from the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT). CHA Consulting Inc. (CHA) is the project’s engineering consultant responsible for studying the existing pedestrian environment along the corridor. The study area extends approximately 1.6 miles from the City of Ithaca/Town of Ithaca municipal boundary south to the King Road intersection. This area includes Ithaca College, on- and off-campus student housing, single-family homes, apartments, senior housing and a variety of commercial businesses and offices. The portion of Danby Road/Aurora Street being studied receives considerable pedestrian activity. The corridor is used by the large student population in the area walking from the college and residential areas to downtown Ithaca and local businesses. Anticipated future development within the corridor will likely create more demand for safe pedestrian accommodations. The public needs to be involved in the study to be successful. The study will identify potential sidewalk routes and make recommendations for other types of pedestrian improvements including upgrades to traffic controls, signage, lighting and crosswalks. Please fill out this survey to give your input on this project.
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